Kamyar Bineshtarigh is based in Cape Town, where he works in a variety of media, and his conceptual concerns range from language and communication in all its forms, to the movement, migration, and displacement of humankind.


Bineshtarigh's interest in text, particularly Farsi script and calligraphy, has driven his study into mark-making and the cultural complexities that stem from differences in translation. This results in work that has a written as well as aesthetic component. Through transcription and integrative mark-making, his practice goes beyond the eye to question communication and linguistics as we know it, and explores, rather than explains, a mode of working beyond geographical borders but also intrinsically linked to place making and identification. He embodies the act of layering with canvas, ink, pencil, glue, or layers of paint extracted from the walls of his studio.


Bineshtarigh graduated with a Diploma in Fine Art from Ruth Prowse School of Art in Cape Town, receiving the Ruth Prowse Award for his series An Exhaustive Catalogue of Texts. He was subsequently awarded the Simon Gerson Prize for his graduate exhibition at the University of Cape Town’s Michaelis School of Fine Art.